Fokus pada botol air berkualiti tinggi selama 15 tahun

Bagaimana cara membersihkan bahagian pengedap botol air berpenebat dengan betul?

As people’s living standards improve, thermal water bottles have become indispensable items in daily life. However, over time and with increased usage frequency, the sealing ring of thermal water bottles is susceptible to dirt, bacteria, and mold, which can affect insulation efficiency and safety. Proper cleaning of the sealing ring is crucial to ensure the long-term effectiveness of thermal water bottles. This article will introduce you to the correct method of cleaning the sealing ring of a thermal water bottle to ensure its long-term effectiveness.

1. Sediakan Alat Pembersihan

Sebelum mula membersihkan gelang pengedap botol air terma, pastikan anda menyediakan alatan pembersihan berikut:

– Detergen lembut atau agen pembersih yang direka khusus untuk botol air terma.

– Air suam dan kain bersih atau berus lembap.

– Tuala atau tisu bersih.


2. Buka Cincin Pengedap

Remove the sealing ring from the thermal water bottle. Some thermal water bottles have detachable sealing rings that can be easily removed for cleaning, while others have sealing rings fixed to the bottle mouth, requiring special cleaning methods. If you are unsure how to disassemble the sealing ring, refer to the thermal water bottle’s manual or consult the manufacturer.


3. Bersihkan Cincin Pengedap

Gunakan Detergen Ringan

Place the sealing ring in warm water and add a small amount of mild detergent. Mild detergent can effectively remove dirt without damaging the sealing ring’s material. Gently massage the surface of the sealing ring with your fingers to ensure the cleaning agent penetrates into every detail.

Gunakan Berus Pembersih

For stubborn dirt or bacteria, you can use a cleaning brush specifically designed for cleaning sealing rings of thermal water bottles. The brush’s design allows for better cleaning of every corner of the sealing ring, ensuring thorough cleaning.

Elakkan Regangan Berlebihan

Semasa membersihkan gelang pengedap, cuba elakkan regangan yang berlebihan atau memutarnya untuk mengelakkan kerosakan pada prestasi pengedapnya. Urut perlahan-lahan dan bersihkannya daripada menggunakan daya yang berlebihan.


4. Bilas dan Keringkan Udara

Bilas gelang pengedap dengan teliti dengan air bersih untuk memastikan semua agen pembersih dikeluarkan sepenuhnya. Kemudian perlahan-lahan keringkan permukaan cincin pengedap dengan tuala atau tisu bersih. Letakkan cincin pengedap di kawasan yang mempunyai pengudaraan yang baik untuk mengeringkan udara sepenuhnya.


5. Pembersihan dan Penggantian Tetap

To maintain the cleanliness and effectiveness of the thermal water bottle’s sealing ring, it is recommended to clean and replace it regularly. Especially for thermal water bottles used frequently, sealing rings are prone to accumulate dirt and bacteria. Regular cleaning can effectively prevent these issues.


Properly cleaning the sealing ring of a thermal water bottle is essential to ensure its long-term effectiveness. By using mild detergent, appropriate cleaning tools, and the correct cleaning method, you can effectively remove dirt and bacteria from the sealing ring’s surface, maintaining its sealing performance and hygiene. Regular cleaning and replacement of the sealing ring can prolong the thermal water bottle’s lifespan, providing you with longer-lasting insulation and a healthier drinking experience.

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