15년간 고품질 물병에만 집중

Did you use the right insulated water bottle in summer?

Did you use the right insulated water bottle in summer?

Stainless steel insulated water bottle is popular with most office workers because of its good insulating effect. Fill a bottle of water at work in the morning and it's still hot at noon, which brings us convenience to a great extent. Moreover, Chinese medicine also believes that long-term drinking of cold water is not conducive to the healthy operation of the body, so stainless steel insulated water bottles to a certain extent have a nutritive effect.


However, for the hot summer, few people drink hot water, but the probability of drinking cold drinks is higher. Many people also use stainless steel insulated water bottles for acidic, alkaline drinks or food. Such practices are not only harmful to health, but also have a negative impact on the body.


The combination of tea and stainless steel insulated water bottles is a natural enemy of health. Tea contains a lot of alkaline substances. We use stainless steel insulated water bottle to make tea. The chemical reaction between alkaline substances and stainless steel at high temperature will not only change the aroma of tea, but also increase the harmful substances in tea.

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