Fokus pada botol air berkualitas tinggi selama 15 tahun

Artikel & Berita

Hari : November26, 2018

Kerajinan Pot Anak-anak

Proses asli Extended Insulation Cup 1, dalam aspek isolasi untuk memperpanjang vakum multi-lapis Thermos Cup untuk mencegah prinsip konduksi panas 2,

Piala Termos Pertama di Dunia

Sir James Doille, seorang Skotlandia di Universitas Oxford, menemukan cangkir isolasi vakum pada tahun 1893. Dia meletakkan satu botol di botol lain dan kemudian menariknya

Tips Membersihkan Gelas Air

1. Garam Baik itu garam dapur atau garam kasar, garam dapur dapat membantu kita menghilangkan noda teh pada cangkir. Setelah jari kita

Pengembangan Botol Plastik

At present, the world economy is changing, and the domestic industrial structure is also in the stage of continuous upgrading. In the current process of

Fitur Ketel Rebus

1. Safety: Break Heat conditioning process free of gas, do not have to worry because the pot does not burn dry and dangerous, even if

Metode Pembersihan Botol

Because there are some dirt and bacteria hidden in the bottle and nipple that can harm your baby's health, cleaning and disinfection of the bottle

Metode Disinfeksi Peralatan Bayi

Newborn's immune system is not perfect, anti-bacterial ability is poor, very easy to be infected, and feeding tableware often residual milk, milk liquid is very

Poin Penting Pemilihan Cangkir Isolasi

There are many varieties of stainless steel thermos cups sold on the market, the price difference is also very large, for some consumers, do not