When was the Thermosflasche invented and made?
Archaeologists once found a double-layer container in the ruins of Pompeii in ancient Rome. This container may be the predecessor of the vacuum flask.
But the world’s first real vacuum flask is actually called “Dewar”.
In 1643, the Italians created the mercury barometer and put forward the famous vacuum theory.
This theory is actually of great significance to the emergence of vacuum flask, but in the next two and a half centuries, no real vacuum flask was invented.
In 1879, the German physicist Vine, in order to store the liquefied gas in the laboratory, heeded the suggestion of Professor Hollid and made a container with two layers of thin glass with a vacuum in the middle.
In 1881 he wrote the thesis “Vain Holrid Bottle”.
1890 verbesserte der britische Chemiker Dunmus Giuard die Wainhoridd-Flasche, indem er die Flaschenwand mit einer Silberschicht überzog, die die Wärmestrahlung verringern und den Wärmeverlust durch das Glas verlangsamen kann. So wurde die Joal-Flasche geboren.
Der Erfinder unserer modernen Vakuumflasche heißt Sir James Dewar, ein Wissenschaftler aus dem Vereinigten Königreich, der sich hauptsächlich mit Flüssigkeiten bei extrem niedrigen Temperaturen beschäftigt.
In 1892, Dewar was invited to the British Institute of Science to take the “Liquefied Gas” course. In order to make the teaching better, before going, he asked a glassmaker named Berger to make a double-layer glass container for him, and coat the two walls with mercury to greatly reduce the heat transfer. Then he evacuated the air between the two layers again, and the vacuum flask appeared. This airless bottle is the earliest vacuum flask in the world. This vacuum flask is called “Dewar flask”.
Today, the early Dewar vacuum products are still preserved in the London Institute in the United Kingdom. At that time, Dewar did not pay much attention to the invention of the vacuum bottle, but attached great importance to the theory of extracting air and applied for a patent for this theory.
By 1902, the German Berger saw the vast potential market for vacuum flask, so he began to sell vacuum flask. Two years later, he won the patent for the vacuum flask in his own name. He found that the glass bottle liner was easily broken, so he made a shell of nickel to protect the bottle liner. At first, vacuum flask flasks were mainly used in laboratories, hospitals and expeditions, and then gradually entered daily life.
Im Jahr 1904 forschte der Berliner Glasbläser Burg und fügte der Giuar-Flasche einen Wärmemantel hinzu, so dass nun Behälter auf dem Markt sind, in denen heißer Kaffee oder schwarzer Tee aufbewahrt werden kann. Seitdem sind alle Arten von Vakuumflaschen auf den Markt gekommen, eine nach der anderen. Die Leute finden, dass die Wärmedämmwirkung des Korkens der Vakuumflasche der schlechteste Teil der Flasche ist. Später ersetzte man den Korken durch Schaumgummi- und Kunststoffstopfen, um die Wärmedämmung zu verbessern.