التركيز على زجاجة المياه عالية الجودة لمدة 15 عامًا

Can the thermos cup bought online still work if it smells bad?

Generally, qualified insulated bottle have no serious odor after leaving the factory, and may have slight odor. However, if it is an unqualified and cheap thermos cup, it may be heavy metal content, so it has a strong odor, so it should be used with caution.

Here are four more daily ways to remove taste:

Boiling water deodorization method: pour boiling water into the cup, shake for 1-3 minutes, and then clean the cup.

Milk deodorization method: first clean the inside of the cup with detergent, pour two spoons of fresh milk into the cup, tighten the lid of the cup, shake it evenly for one minute, and then clean the inside of the cup.

Orange peel deodorization method: first clean the cup with detergent, then put the fresh orange peel into the water in the cup, cover it, and leave it for 3-4 hours before cleaning.

طريقة إزالة رائحة الشاي: أولاً قومي بتنظيف الكوب بالمنظف، ثم أضيفي إليه ماء الشاي، وقومي بتغطيته، ثم اغسليه بعد نصف ساعة.

If the cup still has a strong taste after the deodorization process, it is recommended to return to the factory. After all, it must be the quality of the cup.

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